Thursday 3 May 2012

We managed to get our luggage tagged then continued on to security. On the way Mom said,"Oh now this is where we have to take off all our clothes!" Once through security we went to our gate which was by the infamous escalator where Mom and Dad took a tumble.

More to come later, enjoying coffee in our room.

Looking back on our day:

When we landed in Victoria we went to the Hertz rent a car to pick up our vehicle and we were given a choice of two cars. We made our choice without asking ,"What colour are they?" We chose the Impala. We found our hotel in Sidney but couldn't check in until 2 pm so we left our luggage at the hotel and went to have breakfast at Smittys where mom did her "on location weather report.
Rain, Rain and more rain today!

Then off to WalMart to buy an electric frying pan. Finding WalMart was a challenge. We ended up in downtown  Seattle (I mean Victoria), it felt like Seattle  and found some great deals! After that we went  to Emily Carr House. Jane really enjoyed the house. It was a beautiful restored home full of antiques and the gardens  were beautiful!

When we were leaving Emily Carr's house Veronica said to mom, "Guess what time it is?" Mom replied, "It's got to be 5pm." Veronica said,"It's 1:30." Mom said in a panic stricken voice,"It's just the start of the day!"

We decided it was time to head back to the hotel this time taking the scenic drive along the coast. All we can say is WOW!! The architecture and landscaping was so varied and breathtaking. We didn't know where to look next. What a drive. We highly recommend this road. 
When we returned to check into the hotel we were a little concerned because it looked outdated and small  compared to the photos on the Internet and under no circumstances was mom going to carry her suitcase up a flight of stairs. Guess what, we had to carry our luggage up a flight of stairs. Mom got a quarter of the way up before she stopped and said, "Somebody's going to have to carry me up." Jane was the first one up and spotted the exercise room. It was as big as a bathroom. Now we were really concerned about the size of our room. We were pleasantly surprised! The room is fine. The view is gorgeous. We unpacked, had a coffee and found a really nice bakery where mom bought a loaf of bread which she had to carry around (without a bag) as we explored a few bookstores. Jane finally put the loaf of bread into her camera bag after mom exclaimed ,"In all my 80 years I never walked around town carrying a loaf of bread."
Jane felt compelled to explain why she had a loaf of bread in her camera bag when she pulled it out to get her money to pay for groceries at the market.

We had a great stir fried chicken dinner back our hotel room. The challenge was how to wash the BIG frying pan in this little sink. Jane's solution was, "We can always use the tub."

Now it's time to relax, Mom is curling her hair, Jane and Veronica are knitting and we are going to watch American Idol.
Good Night.

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